COSC 240 Introduction to Algorithms
Spring 2019

Lectures:  Tuesday-Thursday 12:30-1:45 pm, St. Mary's 124

 Instructor: Nitin Vaidya
Office hours: Wednesday 3:00-4:00 pm (or by appointment) at 358 St. Mary's Hall

Teaching assistant: Yuansheng (Sean) Xie (
Office hours: Friday
 2:30 - 4:00 PM in St. Mary G39


Course Schedule               Piazza          Textbook Website     MIT Videos/Slides      Canvas

Description: This course explores various techniques used in the design and analysis of computer algorithms. Topics covered include sorting, search trees, hashing, dynamic programming, greedy algorithms, amortized analysis, graph algorithms and basic compexity theory. Time permitting additional advanced topics might be covered.

Textbook: The required textbook for this course is Introduction to Algorithms (Third Edition) by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest and Stein. Most of the topics and examples covered in this course will be adapted from this text. 

Grading: This course focuses on the theoretical aspects of designing and analyzing correct and efficient algorithms. Accordingly, there are no programming projects. Problem set assignments and exams will instead require pencil and paper analysis. The weights assigned to the different components are as follows:

The grade cutoffs below may be lowered based on class performance. The table shows the minimum grade that will be earned for a given total score on the course. Range of [a,b) includes all values x such that a <= x < b.

grade total points
A [94, 100]
A- [90, 94)
B+ [87, 90)
B [83, 87)
B- [80, 83)
C+ [77, 80)
C [73, 77)
C- [70, 73)
D+ [67, 70)
D [60,67)
F [0, 60)

Problem Sets

Each problem set will be posted in the course schedule. Approximately eight problem sets are expected to be assigned, with each problem set typically covering three or four lectures.


Academic Integrity

As stated above, you may work in groups of at most three people on the problem sets. All students must write up their own answers and record on the top of the problem set any group members they worked with.

You many only discuss problems with the instructor, your group members, and the teaching assistant. The only materials you may reference when working on these problems are your course notes and the assigned textbook. In particular, you may not reference other online sources.

You may not bring any outside material into exams. 

You may not reference any problem sets, exams, or solutions from prior teachings of this course.

The Georgetown University Standards of Conduct apply.

Violating academic integrity policy will lead to a zero on the relevant assignment and potential reporting to the honor council.

When in doubt, ask the instructor what is allowed.

Course Schedule

Below is the tentative lecture schedule for the course. The schedule may be updated as the semester progresses. 



Description Textbook (CLRS) Chapters
1 Jan. 10 Introduction 1,2
2 Jan. 15 Tools: correctness proofs, step complexity and asymptotic analysis 2,3 (little-o and little-omega not covered)
3 Jan. 17 Tools: Recurrences: recursion trees and master method
4 Jan. 22 Tools: probabilistic analysis and randomized algorithms
Problem Set 1 (assigned today)
5.1. 5.2, Appendix C (as needed)
5 Jan. 24 Divide and conquer: basic technique, mergesort, quicksort 2,7
6 Jan. 29 Advanced sorting: randomized quicksort, sorting lower bounds
Minimum, maximum and selection, counting sort, radix sort

Section 9.1

7 Jan. 31 Graph representation, directed and undirected graphs, adjacency matrix and adjacency list, vertex degree, paths in a graph. Product of adjacency matrices and their significance.

22.1, 22.2, 22.3, 22.4

Notes included in problem set 2

Problem set 2 assigned 2/3/2019 (correction made later to problem 1a )
8 Feb. 5 Topological sort, Minimum spanning trees 23.1, 23.2, 23.3, 23.4
9 Feb. 7 Minimum spanning trees: Prim's algorithm 24.1 and Prim's algorithm in 24.2
10 Feb. 12

Shortest paths
Problem set 3 assigned 2/12/2019

11 Feb. 14 Flows and cuts 26.1, 26.2
12 Feb. 21 Flows and cuts 26.1, 26.2
13 Feb. 26 Hash tables 11 (proofs of expected cost omitted)
Feb. 28

MID-TERM EXAM: Topics covered through February 22 are included in the scope of the mid-term exam.

No class on March 5 and 7 due to Spring Break
15 March 12 Hashing 11
16 March 14

Hashing: Universal Hashing, Perfect Hashing (MIT lecture)

Problem set 4


March 18 is the last day to withdraw from courses (for undergraduate students)
17 March 19

Review of universal hashing & perfect hashing.

Dynamic programming

18 March 21 Dynamic programming.

Average consensus (Problem Set 6 includes notes on average consensus.)
Problem set 5
19 March 26 Average consensus. Amortized analysis.
(Problem Set 6 includes notes on average consensus.)
20 March 28 Amortized analysis (aggregate analysis, accounting method, potential method) 17
21 April 2

Amortized analysis. Skip lists (MIT lecture on skip listsMIT slides on skip lists).

Problem set 6

22 April 4

Skip lists (MIT lecture on skip listsMIT slides on skip lists).

Systolic arrays: Designs R1 and W1 for performing convolution in the paper Why Systolic Architectures? -- some material earlier in the paper (such as the definition of convolution) is also required as background on these two designs.

23 April 9

Systolic arrays: Designs R1 and W1 for performing convolution in the paper Why Systolic Architectures? -- some material earlier in the paper (such as the definition of convolution) is also required as background on these two designs.

Sorting network for Bubble sort

24 April 11

Parallel maximal independent set (Sections 1, 2, and the algorithms in Sections 3.1 and 3.2 in -- you may omit the analysis of execution time).

Approximation algorithms: Vertex cover, Set cover (Section 21.3 except Algorithm 2, and Section 21.4 in

25 April 16 Problem set 7
No class on April 18 due to Easter Break
26 April 23

Decision problems and computability, Reductions, Complexity theory basics (Notes from Prof. Newport)

Slides (except NFAs/DFAs and University slides)

34.1, 34.2,
27 April 25 NP completeness

Problem set 8
34.3 (except Circuit Satisfiability)
28 (last lecture for the course) April 30

Guest Lecture by Prof. Justin Thaler: P and NP

May 1 and 2 are Study Days
May 9, Thursday

12:30 pm - 2:30 pm

124 St. Mary's

Final exam schedule and room assignment posted at

You may bring to the exam 2 sheets with handwritten notes (writing on both sides is OK). You may NOT bring the textbook to the exam. You may also bring copies of materials provided above that are NOT from the textbook.

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