COSC 242 Algorithms for Distributed Systems
Fall 2020

Online Lectures:  Tuesday-Thursday 3:30-4:45 pm
(Zoom information posted on Canvas page for this course)


 Instructor: Nitin Vaidya
Online office hours: To be announceed (or by appointment)


Lecture summaries, slides and videos to be posted on the Canvas page for this course.

Course materials

We will use selected material from several sources. Some of these are available to GU students for free via  Safari Books Online.

Canvas and Zoom: Zoom information for the lectures is posted on the Canvas page for this course. Videos for the lectures will be made available via Canvas. Problems sets and exams should be submitted via Canvas.

Grading Policy

The weights assigned to the different components are as follows:

The grade cutoffs below may be lowered based on class performance. The table shows the minimum grade that will be earned for a given total score on the course. Range of [a,b) includes all values x such that a <= x < b.

grade total points
A [94, 100]
A- [90, 94)
B+ [87, 90)
B [83, 87)
B- [80, 83)
C+ [77, 80)
C [73, 77)
C- [70, 73)
D+ [67, 70)
D [60,67)
F [0, 60)

Late submission penalty for problem sets

For the purpose of computing late submission penalty below, 3:00 pm is considered to be the due time for each problem set on its due date.  Late submission penalty for each problem set will be defined as a percentage of the maximum possible points for that problem set, as follows:

Academic Integrity

The only materials you may reference when working on these problems are your course notes, the textbooks, the lecture slides and lecture videos. In particular, you may not reference other online sources. You must submit your own work, and you must not collaborate with others in preparing your answers.

You may not reference solutions from prior teachings of this course or solutions provided elsewhere.

The Georgetown University Standards of Conduct apply.

Violating academic integrity policy will lead to a zero on the relevant assignment and potential reporting to the honor council.

When in doubt, ask the instructor what is allowed.

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